1. Object oriented Programming (OOP)
- Implementation of OOP
- Concepts
2. Constructor & Destructor
- Inheritance -
Data File Handling
3. Pointers
4. Data Structures
AI – Arrays
BI – Stack
CI – Queue
C++ Programming Language
(C++, Basic/Core)
1. C++ Fundamental
2. Data Types & variable / constants
3. Operators and expressions.
4. Selection
5. Iteration
6. Arrays
7. Strings
8. Functions
9. Structures
(C++, Advance)
1. Object oriented Programming.
- Implementation of OOP Concepts
. - Concepts
(a) Constructor and Destructor
(b) Inheritance
(c) Data file Handling
(d) Pointers
2. Data Structures :-
(a) Arrays.
(b) Stack
. (c) Queue.